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Products and resources 

Below are links for products and resources that are helpful for the rehabilitation and management of various diseases, injuries and conditions. These links are designed to help you gain further insight however please contact us if you require more information.

Assistive devices

A good all around adjustable wheelchair. It is a light-weight, high-quality, and all-terrain pet wheelchair.

A page run by Walkin' wheels where owners can list carts that are no longer needed. If you know the size you need this is a good place to find a second hand cart if a new one is currently out of your budget

 Custom-built, tailored and engineered to match your pet's disability and body shape. These carts are ideal for more complicated and long term conditions.

Manufacturer of high quality assistive devices and braces

Manufacturers of high quality adaptive devices and custom-made orthotics and prosthetics for complex injuries. 

A unique full-body lifting device that assists owners to help their pets get up and move around when mobility is impaired

Electrotherapies and at home treatments

Manufacturer of Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy products. This page helps provide more information on how the treatment works and why we recommend it. 

Manufacturer of Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy beds. This page helps provide more information on how the treatment works and why we recommend it. 

This link provides more information on the ways in which laser works and why we recommend its use during treatments

Fitness equipment and helpful products

**We do not advise the use of unstable equipment until your pet graduates to higher level exercises.** High quality canine fitness equipment.. This is a useful website to find out more about the separate products. Purchases have to be made through a dealer. The closest in NS is 3 Blues & A Bully 

**We do not advise the use of unstable equipment until your pet graduates to higher level exercises.** High quality canine fitness equipment. This is a useful website to find out more about the separate products. Purchases are best made through a dealer. The closest to NS is 4mymerles

Manufactures of the balance harness. A harness that we recommend for daily use to prevent shoulder restriction.

They also produce some unique canine fitness equipment

**We do not advise the use of unstable equipment until your pet graduates to higher level exercises.** 

Great non-invasive products that help to get those hampered by chronic or injury pain, back doing what they love to do. Products are made with a special fabric called Welltex® that utilizes Far Infrared fabric technology to achieve results

Holistic veterinarians and quality of life 

Dr Fisher provides veterinary chiropractic, Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, acupuncture and rehabilitation in Bedford 

Dr Bishop provides integrated holistic veterinary care including Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine and acupuncture in Wolfville, NS

Dr. Kayte Armstrong is both a qualified veterinarian and an osteopathic manual practitioner working primarily from her clinic in Hammonds Plains, NS

Forever Loved Vet provides compassionate end-of-life care to dogs and cats. In addition to in-home euthanasia services they also provide quality-of-life consultations to help you decide if it is time to say goodbye. 

Quality of life 

Sometimes it is hard to know when its time to say goodbye. For our longer term and palliative patients we recommend using a questionnaire to help track good days and bad days as well as if there has been a decline. There are many out there so find a scoring system that you are comfortable with is improtant. 2 that we like are Ohio State Universities questionnaire and JOURNEYS Quality of Life Scale

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